Thursday, November 15, 2012

A little physical therapy never hurt anyone

I walk 2-3 miles every day. I run once or twice a week. I take martial arts classes 3-4 times a week. I do the elliptical 2 times a week. I’m not ready to do an Ironman, but I’m no slouch. So going to the doc for some nagging hip pain wasn’t going to be a big deal…
Neither was physical therapy… right?
So I went to the first physical therapist appointment for my hip.  Nothing like a good physical therapist to make you feel completely physically freakish and inadequate.  In the span of 2 minutes, she told me my shoulders were uneven, my back was crooked, my hips were uneven (right is higher than left) and my left hip muscles are atrophied.  (Yes, she used the word “atrophy”.) Nothing like someone telling you you’re atrophied to make you feel good about yourself!
Then she made me do some tiny little exercises (put your leg here, straighten your knee, and lift up 2 inches and back down again while i push on your leg) which nearly killed me. I apparently have “a good deal of weakness in that area.”
It’s going to be a long 3 weeks…

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