Sunday, October 2, 2011


I've been pondering today the world of Facebook today.  Just so you know, I have a 411 friends...and none are complete strangers. Apparently, in the FB world, this is fairly pathetic. And if I were in high school, I would be considered even more pathetic. Fortunately, I rarely take offense at the word "loser" because most of the "losers" I know are some of the most fascinating and engaging people I know.  But I digress...

The people I have friendships with are an interesting bunch, and how they've fit themselves back into my life is really kind of wild.  There's one woman who I went to high school with (let's call her H) and I haven't seen her since.  That's 20 years, for anyone counting. She posts photos of everything... her kids gap-tooth smiles after losing teeth, or crying hysterically because they have Play-Doh stuck in their hair for the second time in one day. Lounging on the couch on a Friday night with her husband, doing absolutely nada.  Today, H posted photos - "before" and "after" shots of the dog getting a bath...and it's wonderful. I can't quite put my finger on why. It's my opinion that the impact that Facebook has on our social relationships has yet to reach some conclusion. There hasn't been enough time to figure out how it will impact kids who know nothing else, or how we who watched it emerge have changed. But from personal experience, these glimpses into people's lives that I haven't seen or known in years gives a sense of almost family...and I doubt most people even realize the impact they have. H likely has no idea how often she makes me smile. Isn't that wild?

One of my photo experiments
Several people on my FB friends list I've never technically met - only virtually, while playing games online.  One in particular (we'll call her S) does crafts by the dozens, and bakes, and has shared with us her stories of life's successes and challenges... and her friends (including myself) post words of encouragement when she has a rough week, or congratulations when she got her new job.  S isn't someone I've ever met, or probably ever will, but we share these things with each other and inspire each other. She's the one who got me to start blogging again.  Sharing my experiments in photography have come from her posting her own crafting successes and failures, and laughing at herself along the way. Again...Inspiring.

One person in particular who I am friend with, I also knew in high school, but once again, didn't speak or see one another for almost 20 years. And then, we became "friends" because I thought "if we have so many friends in common, I'll just add 'em right in."  I recall making a comment about a cheesy science fiction movie ("Blade 2", if I recall correctly) and after a few bantered comments, we decided to meet to catch up over coffee one afternoon.  Two years later, we're engaged to be married. Weird.

I understand the concerns - the loss of interpersonal relations, privacy concerns, obsession with status....  Taking Facebook too seriously is like living life based on text messaging... you miss some some important nuances and it's no substitute for a hug. But overall, I really can't knock the Facebook trend too much. It's become a place where I can see photos of my far-away family as their new babies grow up or post best wishes to a long time friend who was in the hospital but lives too far away to visit.  It's where I can make jokes or tell little stories, or even just post a cartoon that made me laugh. It's fun, inspiring, frustrating, annoying, illuminating, and sometimes mind-numbingly bland... but isn't real life just like that, too?


  1. Well lady, you're pretty inspiring yourself! I love reading about your life and adventures, and I'm glad we "met"! Perhaps some day we'll meet in person, I would love to make you dinner.:)

    "S" :D

  2. 411 is NOT impressive? I'm confused. I whittled down the 'never really met' groups so now I have 482, and I still feel like that's an insane #!! Regardless, I love FB! It's what you make of it, and I make damn sure it's fun!

  3. I think for the younger peeps, it's "the more friends you have, the cooler you are, even if you don't know 'em." In which case yea, we're stuffy old farts in FB world. Which, for the record, I don't care one whit about.
